Claymation is an entertaining form of animation popularized by such favorites as Gumby, Wallace and Gromit and Robot Chicken. Claymation is a fun form of stop-motion animation that kids love…
What’s more fun for kids than playing with LEGO’s? — Bringing LEGO figures to life through stop-motion animation! Using LEGO’s StoryStarter program and ZU3D animation software, kids 7 – 12…
This 4-session series shows kids 9-12 how to create a Claymation animated story and publish it to digiSTORY KC’s YouTube site.
CLAYMATION WORKSHOP 2: Stop-Motion Animation Tools This is the second of four workshop sessions for the Claymation series. In this session, participants will be able to use a webcam and simple lighting…
This workshop consists of three weekly 1.5 hour sessions. In Session 3, learners will add features to their LEGO story that add fun for their audiences: titles, crawling credits, word…
This is the second of 3 workshop sessions on using LEGO® objects to create a stop-motion animation. In Session 2, learners will use a webcam and simple lighting with a…
What’s more fun for kids than playing with LEGO’s? — Bringing LEGO figures to life through stop-motion animation! Using LEGO’s StoryStarter program and ZU3D animation software, kids 7 – 12 years of age…